Carbon Neutral Plan

“We act for a climate-positive world by continuously investing in and developing innovative solutions that deliver immediate and lasting decarbonization in line with our carbon pledge.”

With the effects of climate change becoming more material, industries, communities, and governments are increasingly taking action. More businesses and policymakers worldwide are ramping up their decarbonization efforts as they realize that climate-sensitive policy is the only path forward. Schneider Electric has been a leading contributor to the fight against climate change for the past 15 years, and our dual emphasis on electrification and digitalization fuels our progress. We deliver solutions for homes, buildings, data centers, industries, and infrastructure that allow us to share the energy and resources of our planet while pursuing a future that’s sustainable, efficient, and resilient.

Climate-Positive Ambitions

  • Carbon neutrality in their operations by 2025
  • On track to meet their validated 1.5C Science-based target by 2030
  • Bold carbon neutrality target to our end-to-end valye chain with all products will be carbon neutral by 2040
  • Engagement of supliers toward a net-zero supply chain by 2050

By 2025

  • Deliver 800 million tons of saved and avoided CO2 emissions to our customers
  • Provide 50 million people with access to green electricity
  • 15% energy efficiency in our sites
  • 90% of electricity sourced from renewables
  • Strong commitments for our sites:
  • sites zero CO2
  • Water efficiency plan for all sites
  • Elimination of single use plastic at all our sites.

By 2030

  • More than 80 million people in underserved areas will have access to energy with lowcarbon solutions
  • Switch to 100% renewable electricity (RE100*)
  • Double energy productivity vs. 2005 (EP100**)
  • Net-zero operational emissions and reduction of scope 3 emissions by 35% (vs. 2017)
  • no net biodiversity loss in our direct operations by 2030, supported by 100% of sites with local biodiversity conservation and restoration programs 100% of sites in water-stressed areas have a water conservation strategy and related action plan

Some of 2020 achievements

  • x1.64 turnover of our Access to Energy program
  • 10.3% energy efficiency (vs. 2017)
  • 80% renewable electricity
  • 134 million metric tons of CO2 saved on our customers’ end through our offers
  • 40% energy efficiency since 2010
  • 30 zero-CO2 sites
  • 134 million metric tons of CO2 saved on our customers’ end
  • In 2020, Schneider became the first company to publish its end-to-end biodiversity footprint using the new Global Biodiversity Score (GBS©) tool from CDC Biodiversité. By measuring and sharing our results, we’re calling for all companies to adopt ambitious biodiversity strategies, leveraging best practices from climate science-based targets. As the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) in October 2021 is expected to raise the global ambition on biodiversity toward no net loss, we have committed to no net biodiversity loss in our direct operations by 2030. To strengthen this goal, we’ll continue to align our policies with companies on the forefront of nature conservation.
  • 29.6% water consumption intensity and 90% of applicable sites certified with ISO 14001, ISO 50001, and ISO 45001
  • Sustainability Report

New Energy Opportunities

(NEO) Network The NEO Network is a collaborative peer to peer network of corporates and solution providers in the renewable energy space facilitated by Schneider Electric. Developers benefit from:

  • Use of the Exclusive PPA pricing tool
  • Detailed advice on RFP responses
  • Exclusive access to qualified corporate members with over 10TW of demand
  • Ability to run target campaigns and make unique offers
    Corporate benefits:
  • Detailed intelligence on more than 50 renewable energy markets.
  • Regular webinars, market reports, price indices.
  • Client case studies and success stories
  • Participation in NEO Network events
  • Exclusive purchasing and partnership opportunities
  • Ability to engage directly with other purchasers and project/product developers eliminating market noise

End-to-end biodiversity footprint publication using CDC Biodiversité’s Global Biodiversity Score tool

In 2020, Schneider became the first company to publish its end-to-end biodiversity footprint using the new Global Biodiversity Score (GBS©) tool from CDC Biodiversité. “By measuring and sharing our results, we’re calling for all companies to adopt ambitious biodiversity strategies, leveraging best practices from climate science-based targets. As the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) in October 2021 is expected to raise the global ambition on biodiversity toward no net loss, we have committed to no net biodiversity loss in our direct operations by 2030. To strengthen this goal, we’ll continue to align our policies with companies on the forefront of nature conservation.” Schneider Electric has been recognised as the 2021 World’s Most Sustainable Corporation by Corporate Knights.